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Non-Disclosure Agreement

As a State of Texas, Local Redevelopment Authority and economic development board, it is important for the Board of Director’s and staff of TexAmericas Center to be transparent and authentic.  While we work very hard to communicate our efforts to recruit, retain and expand companies, there are many aspects of our operations that cannot be disclosed.    

Every week, we receive inquiries from business leaders who want to know the names of companies who have relocated or expanded to the county.  We are happy to share that information as long as the project falls under what we call the “closed” category. This means that the company has completed the incentive process, closed on its commercial real estate deal with TexAmericas Center, notified its Board, Investor’s and employees that it has selected TexAmericas Center as the official site of their relocation or expansion.  Unfortunately, if the company is still in the due diligence process this information is confidential and the TexAmericas Center is required avoid making comment because we have signed a non-disclosure agreement to avoid miscommunication and to control the timing of and who releases information.  This creates a balancing act and makes it difficult to demonstrate our value to the community when we cannot disclose our work.

However, what’s most important is that we win the project for the Texarkana region, secure high paying jobs and bring significant capital investment to our local economy.  This “win” only comes when there is a trusting relationship between TexAmericas Center and the company.  During the courting process, we are privy to sensitive information such as the company’s financials, plans to leave their home state, number of employees they will relocate and products and services that will be moved.  We understand what the company wants to accomplish with this new location and first and foremost they want anonymity until they are ready to make THEIR announcement.  This is why it is standard operating policy for TexAmericas Center to provide and sign a non-disclosure agreement to every prospective with which we are working.  If we fail to ask if you want to sign this agreement, please ask…it was a regretful over sight.